ashtanga in sydney

Ashtanga Workshop in Sydney, 2025

Ashtanga Workshop in Sydney with Adam Keen

February 7-9, 2025 at Manumission Yoga

Making Sense of Your Yoga

Yoga method is a science not a dogma, therefore it’s not necessary to believe something ethereal. Instead, it is a theory or hypothesis to try out in practice and the proof is in the pudding. We must understand what we’re doing, because we can only use our yoga effectively when it makes sense to us.

Although the results may feel like magic sometimes, the steps along the way are perfectly tangible and accessible. In this workshop we aim to provide a good overview of the context and basic tools used in the method known as yoga.

6.00-7.30 pm: Breathing Basics

The diaphragm is the thing in yoga. The aim of both vinyasa and bandha, its deeper experiencing is the reason we practice asana. But, first, it must be harnessed. We will look at how to do so, and then, how to use what is often now referred to as the muscle of the soul. Yoga clothes not required but dress comfortably.

Ashtanga Assisted Self-Practice

8.00 – 9.30 Group 1 | 9.45 – 11.15 Group 2

A self-practice class with verbal instruction and light physical assistance. Adam offers directions for you to experience asanas in a comfortable and stable way in your body. He does not believe in forcing people into postures and focuses on safe and non-intrusive assistance. The class follows the traditional Ashtanga yoga sequences and series, however it’s OK if you need practice sheets, props or to modify asanas to suit your own needs.

12.00 – 13.30: Jump-Back and Jump-Through for Everybody

We can all do a version of this with some help that we can then develop further. Breaking these movements down into their fundamental principles we come to understand them – which is the first challenge. Then only can we work with our own body and get the most out of it we can.

2.00 – 3.30: Classical History of Yoga

The roots of yoga are diverse and highly worth considering further. In doing so, we shall look at the Vedas, the Upanishads, The Yoga Sutras and the idea of Hinduism and the claim that yoga is 5000 years old, to explore different perspectives on the history of yoga.

8.00 – 9.30 Group 1 | 9.45 – 11.15 Group 2: Ashtanga Assisted Self-Practice

Adam gives yoga assistance in a safe and non-intrusive way. He does not believe in forcing people into postures but uses verbal and light physical touch to open new directions for you to explore the meaning of comfort and stability in your body. All are welcome to the Mysore class. Adam is happy if you need practice sheets, props, or modify the sequences to suit your own needs.

12.00 – 13.30: Intermediate Series for All

Originally, the early students who learnt ashtanga learnt Primary along with Intermediate. They balance and complement each other. And, given a little thought and pragmatism, we can all, regardless of our bodies, develop our version of an Intermediate Series practice to do alongside our Primary Series one.

2.00 – 3.30: Common or Less Common Concerns About Practice

An open discussion as to ideas around practice - both from the ashtanga community as well as what we bring to it ourselves. What does it mean to be an ‘ashtangi’ or a traditional practitioner? This and more we will explore together in an informal and relaxed question and answer session.

The workshop is organised by Manumission Yoga


Yoga Styles:


Feb 07 - 09 2025


All Day

More Info



Manumission Yoga


Matt Wittenberg