Yoga Philosophy
The 5 Kleshas – Obstacles to Yoga
The 5 Kleshas It's good to know well our enemy. Or, put another way, along the spiritual path it's extremely helpful to have some understanding...
The Purusharthas
The purusharthas are Artha, Dharma, Karma, and Moksa. These are the four pillars of Vedic life. In other words, the useful objects of our aims...
Glossary of yoga terms
This is a list of yoga terms that come up in yoga philosophy texts and discussions that you may not be familiar with. If you...
timeline of important yoga texts
Below is a timeline of important yoga texts having an emphasis on hatha yoga. 1800-1000 BCE RG Veda There are four Vedas; Rigveda, Samaveda, Yajurveda,...
What is Samsara?
What is Samsara? The term samsara, literally turning, refers to a never-ending chain of cause and effect that we are subject to. One circumstance exerting...
What is Dharma?
What is Dharma? Dharma is at the very centre of yoga philosophy. When thinking about the very foundation, what brings all the diverse viewpoints and...
Eight Limbs of Ashtanga Yoga
The eight limbs of Ashtanga yoga literally translated means 8 limbed yoga ashto = eight and anga = limb. This structure has its origins in...
The Yoga Sutras on Practice
It is often assumed when we get into yoga that or development in practice is about increasing our ‘specialness’. Indeed, it’s hard to view it...
Yoga For Uncertainty
Yoga is learning how to ‘un-know’ Patanjali starts The Yoga Sutras ‘now starts yoga’. This, seemingly obvious statement is, perhaps, the most profound he makes. ...